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Social Programs and Activities

Keep your social connections strong with Balwyn Evergreen's range of social support group programs and activities. 

Friendship, food and social connections

We've been keeping our community healthy, happy and socially engaged since 1958 with a range of social support activities and programs.


Have a laugh, enjoy a delicious meal, go on an outing or attend a special event... above all, be part of our community.


Bus Outings*

Discover or revisit lovely suburbs and townships and enjoy a lunch at a local restaurant. Our door-to-door shuttle service means you simply have to hop on board, get comfortable and enjoy the ride.

Elderly lady laughing

The Senior Divas*

Our popular ladies group meets fortnightly for lunch and a range of interesting guest speakers.


Evergreen Group

Join our weekly lunches and connect with friends old and new, in our welcoming community where you can forge long-lasting bonds and enjoy a sense of belonging.


Exercise and Socialise

Join a group exercise class, work at your own pace and enjoy morning or afternoon tea with the group and trainer after.

Senior playing games

Active Living Program*

Get social and get moving with a day of activity, starting with morning tea and an active movement session, followed by lunch and a fun afternoon of games.

Piano Lesson

Musical Group

This program is on hold but will be returning soon. Keep an eye on our newsletter and calendar for updates.

We can get you here with our local transport service!

Balwyn Evergreen offers a local pick up and drop off service so you don't have to worry about missing an activity. Our dedicated team of volunteer drivers can get you where you need to be in either our iconic minivan or car. Click here to find out more.

These programs are funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP).  Balwyn Evergreen charges fees in line with CHSP guidelines.  Social Support programs have a dual purpose to provide social support for people and to provide flexible respite options for their carers.  Programs are designed to support a person’s strengths and promote independence.

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