Thank you for your Support
As a not for profit, Balwyn Evergreen is predominantly supported by funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health and Victorian Department of Health [32%], Activity Fees [45%] and Investment income [15%].
For the balance of our operational funding, we are dependent on the generosity of the community to help run and maintain our community support programs and grow our investment income so that the lives of older people are enriched. It is only through community support and volunteers that we can continue our mission of providing quality care and services.
You can help support Balwyn Evergreen and enrich the lives of our clients by donating or leaving a Bequest.

Make a donation
Donate by Mail
Direct Transfer to BEC
Print the Donation Form and send your cheque or credit card details to Balwyn Evergreen Centre, 45 Talbot Avenue Balwyn -- attention Administration Coordinator
Please contact the BEC Administration Coordinator on 03 98369681 for our direct deposit arrangements.
Call the BEC Administration Coordinator on 03 9836 9681 and have your credit card details on hand to donate over the phone.
Donate by Phone
Donate Online
You can donate to Balwyn Evergreen Centre through - a free and secure online donations service.

Leave a Bequest
Thank you for considering a legacy for older citizens of Boroondara in the form of a bequest to Balwyn Evergreen Centre.
We encourage you to discuss your plans with us so that we may work together on structuring your bequest to best meet your objectives, and so that we can recognise you for your generosity during your lifetime.
You may wish to arrange for your bequest to directed to the area of highest priority for Balwyn Evergreen Centre. Or, if you would like your bequest to benefit a specific area, we would be pleased to help you plan accordingly.
While we recommend that you seek legal advice before including a bequest in your Will, below is an example of how wording for a bequest to Balwyn Evergreen Centre in your Will might read:
“I give [(a specific amount or gift) or (a percentage) or (the residue) of my estate] to Balwyn Evergreen Centre (ABN 94 907 516 455) to be used for [(the general purposes of Balwyn Evergreen Centre) or (a particular purpose)]. The written receipt of the Secretary or other officer of Balwyn Evergreen Centre may be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.
If you have any question or if you like to discuss, please contact us on 03 9836 9681, or use our Contact form.
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible and a receipt will be forwarded to you.
Your generous donation is highly appreciated.